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Olympic Values and Objectives

 Olympic Values

If we look at the objectives of Olympic games, we come to learn that Baron DeCoubertin wanted to develop values through Olympic games. The following valuescan be developed through Olympic movement:

1. Brotherhood: Olympic movement is instrumental in developing brotherhood when players of different countries play together, come together, sit together, dine together—they develop unity among themselves. Thusbrotherhood develops.

2. Impartial game: The Olympic games provide opportunities for impartialgames. These games are based on justice. So. each player and each teamshould be judged fairly. Rules and regulations should be applied to eachand every team. There should be no partiality towards a specific team orplayer. The sports officials should be true to their words and actions. “Liveby code or get out”—such slogans should be raised.

3. No discrimination: According to the suggestion of Mr. Coubertin, thereshould not be any discrimination on the basis of caste, colour and creed.Olympic games promote the spirit of brotherhood and try to abolishdiscrimination. The players of different countries, cultures, tradition, andcaste—take part. They should not treated unfairly. The players forget theirbackground or roots and they help promote Olympic values. But exceptionsare always there. In 1972, Olympic games in Munich, Israeli players werekilled ruthlessly. In 1936, Berlin Olympic Jesse Owens bagged four goldmedals but on the grounds of racial discrimination. Adolf Hitler refused tohonor Jese Owens, some countries have vested interest in these games.They want to prove that they are a better than the other countries. But itcan’t be stated that Olympic movement has failed to promote values, weshould have positive outlook so that values may be promoted throughOlympic movement.

Justin Gatlin pays respect to Usain bolt after 
 beating him in 100 meters final in 2016 Rio Olympics
4. Friendship: Olympic movement presents such opportunities as instrumentalin developing friendship not only among players but also among countries.Players of different countries come to take part in Olympic games. Whenthey get together, they become friends. Even when there is tension goingon between two countries, they come close to one another through Olympicgames.

5. Respect: This value motivates the players to show sportsman spirit. Everyplayer should retrospect and also respect the opponents, rules of game andenvironment.

6. Values: friendship, brotherhood,
unbiased sports and partiality free: It canbe said that Olympic plays an important role in development of these valuesbut a dark side of Olympics is also seen. Many countries participate inOlympics just to show their superiority on other countries. This is also adownfall of these values that many countries of the world boycotted 1980Moscow Olympics and 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. The Olympicmovement fails to develop the above said values. There should a positivethinking towards these values so that these values can be developed.

7. Excellency: This value motivates a person to give the best performance onfield and outside the field.

Objectives of Olympics

(a) To generate the sense of loyalty, brother hood and team spirit among theparticipants.

(b) To bring the attention of the world community to understand the values ofthe programmes of physical education.

(c) To Promote amateurism among the sport men.

(d) To remove the barriers of caste, creed, religion and colour.

(e) To develop good habits among sports persons.

(f) To encourage moral values and unbiased behaviour through sports.


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